March 9, 2025



We invite applications from skilled and motivated young people to serve as interns at Rhyvers. The internship will provide an opportunity for individuals to substantively contribute to, and also learn from our work.

The intern will be given specific tasks and responsibilities will be encouraged to develop their capabilities and gain experience. The intern is expected to be flexible and to take part in various activities at the office and fieldwork, online work, and engage with social media for Rhyvers after appropriate consultation.

The Rhyvers internships are invited in the field of reporting, copy editing, photography, designing, marketing, and circulation. The applicants may specify their area of interest.


We expect applicants to have at least a graduate degree. We are looking for interns who are committed, hard-working, positive, and willing to learn.


Three to six months, as mutually agreed


Internships are on a voluntary basis, and no payment is provided. Shared office space may be available. Rhyvers assumes no liability for any accident, ill health, or other misfortune that may occur.


Send a cover letter to, explaining your motivation and a description of what you hope to achieve during your internship at Wajd. Specify your main skills and interests and relate them to our areas of work. Also, specify the internship period that will suit you. Provide your address and contact details. Please attach your resume in the mail.